Monday, January 4, 2010

cover up

i can count the times in my entire life where ive worn a strapless/tube dress. Twice. im usually seen with sleeves or half sleeves, as long as my underarms are covered and away from the sun. at home i can walk about freely cos my family members know my problem and they love me for who i am (i think) :}

anyways, on New Year's Eve i really wanted to wear this very nice tube dress i bought for a very good price. i had to buy it! so in order to dance the night away with hands held high, i used MAKE UP to cover up the darkness! and guess what? IT WORKED!

previously i did try using make up and it didnt work out. but i found out that if u conceal first, then apply foundation (non oil based) and then loose/compact powder it, u will see that the make up will stay on ur underarms for a long time! which is good. i tried it the day before just to see how long it will last. it lasted one whole day, even with a little bit of sweat.

but just because i found out this trick works, doesnt not mean im going to be wearing sleeveless clothes every single day. putting make up on my underarms takes a lot of time and hassle. im only going to do this whenever i have a "big" or "special" occasion.

im still gonna work on me armpits till i find a way to change it to its natural colour.

let the new year bring more hope!